Hi this might be pretty simple to you guys out there but i am having issues doing it.
Please help!!!!!!!!!!
Calculate Average of a measure called DIST irrespective of any dimension the page field.
Ie. to say it should calculate the average for any doension i bring on the rwo field.
Looking forward to your help.
you can mail me at hem_k01@.yahoo.comI'm not sure anyone understands what you are trying to do.|||Dear Blind Man ,
Thanks for your response
Please let me know how to calculate average of a field in analysis dervices.
I have written my issue in detail in the attachement.|||Dear Blindman,
Thanks for you interest in my issue i was losing hope that anyone will reply.
Sorry for not being clear.
I have a cube with
Four Dimensions .
With measures
Ord Kgs
Lines disp
Lines ordered
Calculated Measures
Value fill %
VALUE FILL Numerator
Ordered Kg Reason,
Ordered KG Location
Ordered KG Product
Value Loss % This is the calculated measure where I am having an issue
Hence Instead of having one single Calculated measure I have made three calculated measures which are Locn.Loss % and Prdt.Loss and Rsn .Loss.
The reason is this.
The Rsn Loss is given by the formula
(([Measures].[Ord Kgs]*[Measures].[Aip In Kgs])-[Measures].[Value Fill Numerator])/([Measures].[Ordered KG Reason]*[Measures].[Aip In Kgs])
Where Ordered KG Reason
sum (descendants(Reason.members),[Measures].[Ord Kgs])/6
I have divided it by 6 to adjust the values of Ordered KG Reason for Demo purposes.
The Ordered Kg should be the total sum of Ord KGS for the dimension which is on the row field ( In this example Reason is on the row field) on an html page which uses pivot table (OWC Component) .
The bottom line being that I want to calculate the sum of Ordered Kgs for whichever dimension is brought on to the row field and replace Prdt Loss ,Reason Loss and Location Loss by a single measure called value loss which depends on the sum of ordered Kgs of the row dimension .
which will be possible if I can have just one ordered KG Measure instead of Ordered KG for every dimension.
Lets say instead of reason dimension there was Location dimension the Ordered Kg Measure should be ale to calculate the sum of ordered kg measure for the location dimension. I,e the ordered kg measure should not have Dimension name hard coded in the formula like the one I have calculated.
sum (descendants(Reason.members),[Measures].[Ord Kgs])/6
Hope you can help me with this formula.|||Sorry, but I have rarely used Analysis Services. I can't believe that calculating an average should be difficult, so hopefully somebody else on the forum can give you a hand.|||Thanks for trying to solve it atleast blind man.
You seem to be the only guy who was interested in helping me out.
I habe not had anyone else replying so i duess i will have to look towards some other source.
Thanks|||Sorry about that. Most question on this forum get answered, as you can see. But Analysis Services is not one of the more common topics here. Maybe other DBAs, like me, shun it because its implementation is kind of clunky. Its functionality does not live up to its hype. As you are finding out...
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