Sunday, March 25, 2012

Calculated Measure on SSAS 2005

Dear All,

I have a problem when I made calculation on SSAS 2005. I have two dimensions such as Department and Parameter where 1 Department has several Parameters. Each Parameter has point measure (Total Point Parameter) and bobot measure in percent (Bobot Parameter). The subtotal of Total Point Parameter is sum of Total Point Parameter for parameters in 1 department and the subtotal of Bobot Parameter is sum of Bobot Parameter for parameters in 1 department which the result will be 100%. I want to make a calculated measure named Total Point Department that I can get the result by multiplying Total Point Parameter with Bobot Parameter. But for the subtotal of that calculated measure, the value should be sum of Total Point Department for parameters in 1 Department. I attach the layout so you can have a good understanding to my problem.

Department Parameter Total Point Parameter Bobot Parameter Total Point Department

KREDIT FPD 80.56 25.00% 20.14

NBP 95.49 25.00% 23.87

OVERDUE BPKB 96.17 10.00% 9.62

OVERRIDE SCORING 110.00 10.00% 11.00

POOLING ORDER 35.00 30.00% 10.50

Total 417.21 100.00% 417.21 --> it should be
75.13 AR AR ALIR ACTUAL 90.73 30.00% 27.22

AR ALIR ACTUAL VS TARGET 1.00 20.00% 0.20

AR LANCAR ACTUAL 200.00 30.00% 60.00

AR LANCAR ACTUAL VS TARGET 222.22 20.00% 44.44

Total 223.25 100.00% 223.25 --> it should be
131.86 Grand Total 640.46 200.00% 1280.92

This is the MDX script for Total Point Department:

[Measures].[Bobot Parameter] * [Measures].[Total Point Parameter]

Can you please help me? Thanks in advance.


I have the same issue, have you been able to solve your problem?


Have you tried setting this up use a measure expression instead of a calculated measure?

I think this will make the multiplication happen at the leaf level and then the normal aggregation will kick in.

Otherwise you could try scoping your calculation at the leaf level.

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