I'm sort of a novice with AS, so you guys may have to bear with me. We have a sales database created in SQL 2000 and OLAP cubes built against it with AS 2000. The cubes contain dimensions of Customers, Products, Calendar, and measure of NetSales. We have numerous other dimensions and measures.
I'm wanting to build a calculated measure for WeeksOnHand. This measure is supposed to only show the items which represent the particular member chosen in the WeeksOnHand measure. For instance, WeeksOnHand would include the following members 1 through 10. Each number represents number of weeks. The number of weeks defines how many weeks a product has been onhand (netsales greater than zero).
So, if I were to filter on Customer A, choose all Products, and choose 2 in the WeeksOnHand measure, it would only show me the products for Customer A which have been onhand for 2 weeks (in other words, sales greater than zero for 2 weeks). It would filter out any products in which sales started occurring longer than 2 weeks, less than 2 weeks, or still zero).
Any help would be appreciated.
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