Is there anyway I can process calculated measures of the cube on server? As of now its getting processed on client and its taking lot of client memory. We have got a good configuration server. Is there anyway I can configure to get this processing done on OLAP server?
Any help/tip will be appreciated
Hi Deepak,
We are usin AS2000. What exactly u mean by alluding by "alluding to MDX query processing"?
|||Just wanted to confirm that you weren't referring to cube processing time, rather than to query response time.
With AS 2000, you can (to some extent) increase server-side query execution by changing connection string parameters:
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services Performance Guide
Published: June 1, 2003
Summary: This paper describes techniques you can use to optimize query responsiveness and processing performance in Microsoft? SQL Server? 2000 Analysis Services.
The Execution Location and Default Isolation Mode properties are always used together.
The Execution Location property controls whether a query is executed on the client or on the Analysis server. By default, the execution of the query is split between the client and the server in order to distribute the processing load across multiple computers. Using an Execution Location setting of 3 in the connection string causes most queries to be executed on the Analysis server. This setting also reduces the amount of data that is returned to the client over a slow network connection. In most cases, only the final result is returned to the client, and the client processor resources are not used to help resolve the query. The value of the Execution Location property is set in the connection string when a session is established. It can be changed during the session. However, every client using this setting adds to the load on the Analysis server.
The Default Isolation Mode property controls the refreshing of the cache on the client. Using a Default Isolation Mode setting of 1 causes the cache to be invalidated whenever a query statement is executed. When this setting is used in conjunction with the Execution Location setting of 3, you can ensure that most queries are resolved on the Analysis server rather than at the client. By default, PTS will use data in the local cache to resolve queries when possible, which conflicts with the Execution Location setting if you are attempting to execute as many queries as possible on the Analysis server. The value of the Default Isolation Mode property is set in the connection string when a session is established. This value can also be changed during a session.
|||Hi Deepak,
Thanks a lot,
This is definitely goigng to help us in our approach
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