Thursday, March 22, 2012

Calculated field crashes VS

I had a separate post where I was having trouble displaying the entire record in the group header that was that had the max value for the details.

With some help, I used a nested table in the group header, which worked perfectly except when I export the report to Excel (end user requirement) those values are replaced with ''Data Regions within table/matrix cells are ignored.''

For a workaround, I tried adding the following expression to a text box in the detail row of the table.

=iif(Fields!MAX.Value = max(Fields!MAX.Value), Fields!ASA.Value * 100, Fields!ASA.Value)

This will check the max value against the max for the group. If the max value is truely the max, it will multiple the field I am trying to display in the group header by 100. I figured I could then do a max( ) on that field in my group header, but I had no way to reference it. So...I created a calculated field with the same formula - only problem is now VS crashes until I remove the calculate field.

Any ideas why? Or if there is a way to handle this?

It is a known problem that using aggregate functions in calculated field crashes VS. We are considering fixing it in a future release. However, this scenario is not allowed. You'd get an error message when the bug is fixed.|||Thank you! Any other ideas on how I can accomplish the desired results?

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