when I'm trying something litle bit more complex thing than string manipulation in calculated field ex: =RunningValue(Fields!SALES.Value, Sum)
It just crashes visual studio when trying to run the report?! I think this could state as a bug in RS?
RunningValue requires 3 parameters (Expression, function and scope)
Edit Expression dialog may offer a choice with 2 parameters, that is a bug.
Thanks for a quick reply, but this did'nt solve this.
Maybe I'll explain little bit
I want to have cumulative sum value over the data. So I open datasource and add new field, and check this field as calculated field with expression : =RunningValue(Fields!SALES.Value, Sum, "DataSource1")
Then I click preview panel and Visual studio waits some seconds and crashes!!!
I really need this beacause Customer needs to have cumulative sales groups
Product Sales Cumulative %
A group
Product1 100 100 28%
Product2 70 170 48%
B group 170 48%
Product3 60 230 65%
Product4 50 280 80%
C group 280 80%
Product5 40 320 91%
Product6 30 350 100%
And the grouping is dynamic. Ex all cumulative sales less than 0% belongs to the group A sales below 80% belongs to B and others are in group C
At this moment I'm feeling pretty desperate on this case and it seems it is not possible to do this by report services!
Seems that I found a solution.
Beacause this cannot be done wiht RS I had load data into data table, do inner calculations and then
pass this data to RS.
I don't understand design decisions of this? Why it's not possible to RS that Headers would accept data from inner fields as a criteria. This report creation process seems to be very waterfall aproach, no precalculations :(
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