Thursday, February 16, 2012

Bypassing Ownership

I seriously need to revoke some of the persmissions my fellow developers misuse, I want them to be able to create objects manipulate them and the data but I dont want them to create databases and dont want them to have system administrator permissions.

when I change their login permissions all the objects they create appear with their user prefix for example programmer.Newobject, this sucks, I dont want our objects to have tons of programmer names in them making the code unreadable and unmanageable not to mention dependencies management.

is there some simple way to bypass ownership, or make all objects appear with the dbo prefix (which is the default, so you dont need to specify it) whats the point in this ownership thing, as if I dont have enough to worry about without making life harder for myself. oh, and as I said I dont want them to use the SA login or have SA permissions.

thanks people.remove user programmer and fire:

exec sp_addalias 'programmer','dbo'

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